Wednesday, May 11, 2011


May 11, 2011
When you step through the doors at Mt. Olivet Christian Church you find beauty. The beauty of the aged woodwork, the beauty of the stained glass windows, and the beauty of the recent addition that was needed as the congregation grew. But, more importantly you find the beauty and the warmth that flows from God’s people.
On May 1st, the church embarked on a Capital Campaign. This campaign is the work of the leadership and other members of the congregation to strike excitement and anticipation for our new church building on Eibeck Lane. A new church that will be home to a new daycare, new Sunday School rooms, a new sanctuary, and the highly anticipated, new members.
The Capital Campaign is in preparation for a new church that is greatly needed. But, it appears that God has been building a new church inside the walls of Mt. Olivet for many years. Not within the building itself, but within the heart of each member.
King James is quite clear in Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision, the people perish...” As you look around and watch what has been happening in our church, no one can deny there is a vision and we have a purpose. The growth of the congregation is leading us away from the existing building and to a new location to further God’s work in a way that will impact our community for eternity.
The little country church on Heekin-Lawrenceville Road has served its members well for many years. As sad as it may be to leave that property, we must realize God’s new beginnings await us. As the congregation grows and as our church is continually on the move, it seems clear that our unified vision is to push forward and build.
God is the Master Builder. He is our Creator. He will not leave us nor will He forsake us. During this campaign it isn’t just about the blueprints or moving dirt, it is about the foundation God has prepared for us and how we will respond.

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